The Centralia High School Alumni Association awarded six scholarships to CHS students
in 2010, including three scholarships made possible by special gifts received by the association.
Students receiving scholarships are: Front row-from left-Kim Bierman, attending Kaskaskia College and Chloe Smith-Ferguson, attending Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Back row-Tyson Cole and Quintin Hayes, both attending SIU-E; Erin Witzel, who received the Jeannette Tolley Scholarship and is attending KC; and Michael Buckmore, who received the Suzanne (Tilley) Fink Scholarship and is attending the University of Illinois. Also pictured is CHS Principal Reid Shipley.
William R. Norwood, a 1952 Centralia Township High School graduate, presented the association with a $500 scholarship this year.