CHSAA Scholarships

   The CHSAA scholarship program was established to award monetary scholarships to CHS graduates.  
   We invite you to contribute to this important scholarship fund and to encourage your friends and former classmates to do the same.


2010   |   2011   |   2012   |   2013  |   2014    |   2015   |   2016  |   2017

Scholarship Recipients


   The Centralia High School Alumni Association awarded six scholarships to CHS students in 2010, including three scholarships made possible by special gifts received by the association. 

   Students receiving scholarships are: Front row-from left-Kim Bierman, attending Kaskaskia College and Chloe Smith-Ferguson, attending Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Back row-Tyson Cole and Quintin Hayes, both attending SIU-E; Erin Witzel, who received the Jeannette Tolley Scholarship and is attending KC; and Michael Buckmore, who received the Suzanne (Tilley) Fink Scholarship and is attending the University of Illinois. Also pictured is CHS Principal Reid Shipley. 

   William R. Norwood, a 1952 Centralia Township High School graduate, presented the association with a $500 scholarship this year.

Contributions should be made payable to:
     CHSAA Scholarship Fund
2100 East Calumet Street, Centralia, IL   62801

©2012 Centralia High School Alumni Association