
   Photo Journal: Construction of CHS 1
page 1 of 3 pages

Pictures of the Construction of the new Centralia High School campus
2100 East Calumet St.

click on each picture to enlarge

1a.jpg (50400 bytes)

1.jpg (71115 bytes)

2.jpg (41043 bytes)

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4.jpg (37922 bytes)

looking into mall

cafetorium elevator

Media Center

Attendance Office

lunch lines

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6.jpg (45173 bytes)

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9.jpg (45309 bytes)

library window


teachers' first look

teachers' first look

North entrance

11.jpg (40482 bytes) 12.jpg (40824 bytes) 13.jpg (37920 bytes) 14.jpg (37136 bytes) 15.jpg (40759 bytes)
entrance hall bus entrance mall bus entrance science lab
16.jpg (33070 bytes) 17.jpg (53913 bytes) 18.jpg (38375 bytes) 19.jpg (49118 bytes) 20.jpg (56442 bytes)
foreign language downstairs hall exit to busses South hallway South hallway
21.jpg (50330 bytes) 22.jpg (59550 bytes) 23.jpg (41525 bytes) 24.jpg (28736 bytes) 25.jpg (37697 bytes)
Special Ed English hall English room South stairs South stairs
26.jpg (50514 bytes) 27.jpg (52912 bytes) 28.jpg (44830 bytes) 29.jpg (53237 bytes) 30.jpg (50395 bytes)
Math hall Science North lot North lot North lot

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