CHSAA Distinguished Alumni
   Each year the Centralia High School Alumni Association recognizes distinguished alumni from all walks of life and occupations.  Annette Chores was a member of the induction class of 2015 and was honored in ceremonies at the high school and the Centralia Community Arts Center.

Corey Stevens


Class of 1973

 Graduated-BS in Music Education from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale-1978

Taught elementary school in Los Angeles, California, 1986-1995

Signed to Eurkea Records in 1995

Had a Top 10 album Blue Drops of Rain on Billboards Blues Chart

Had a Top 10 song “One More Time” in 1997 from his second album Road to Zen

Toured the United States 1996-1997

Signed with Fuel 2000 Records in Hollywood in 2003

Signed with Ruf Records in Germany in 2007

Has released a total of 9 albums

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